“So you try to think of someone else you’re mad at, and the unavoidable answer pops into your little warped brain: everyone”

The damn breaks. The barrier she had so carefully constructed shatters into a million pieces. She’s flooded with every emotion possible and she has to get it all out somehow, relieve the pressure mounting up inside her. But it comes out as fire and fury. Fear, pain, sadness; it rushes out of her in an unstoppable stream of rage. She’s powerless to stop it, there’s no way to put it back in it’s cage. She must keep going until there’s no more anger left to feel. Her fire burns down everything in it’s path. Acid spews out of her and scolds anyone she touches. Her own skin burns and blisters, it falls from her bones. Agony on top of agony, adding fuel to the fire.

She tries to contain it, to reel it back in, stuff it back inside it’s box. But the harder she tries to undo it the hotter she burns, and she’s terrified that it’s never going to stop. Not until the entire world has turned to ashes.

Behind those raging eyes and spiteful tongue is just a quiet whimper.

Quote by Ellen Hopkins

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